Ailouros Lied Duo, Maria Pujades Seguí and Edoardo Milanello

Ailouros Lied-duo aspires to bring those who love words and sounds closer to Lied, the most incredible of artistic combinations. With our innovative projects in concert form we want to take the audience by the hand and lead them on an unforgettable journey.


Ailouros Lied-duo aspires to bring those who love words and sounds closer to Lied, the most incredible of artistic combinations. With our innovative projects in concert form we want to take the audience by the hand and lead them on an unforgettable journey.

Maria Pujades Seguí and Edoardo Milanello began their musical cooperation in 2019 under the guidance of Jan Schultsz. Other important figures in their artistic formation as a duo are Tobias Schabenberger, with whom they explore the repertoire of the classical age on period instruments, but also Andrea Neumann and Sarah Maria Sun, with whom they deepen the knowledge around improvisation and contemporary music. Also notable is their participation in masterclasses with Sir Thomas Allen and François Le Roux.

Ailouros regularly performs in Basel, Barcelona and Turin. In May 2021, as winners of a scholarship, they were invited to the festival LIEDBasel, where they had the chance to work with Dorothea Röschmann and Wolfram Rieger.

Catalan soprano Maria Pujades Seguí, after graduating in mathematics, completed her studies in opera singing in Barcelona under the guidance of the mezzo-soprano Mireia Pintó. In 2015 she was awarded scholarships by the foundations “Victoria de los Ángeles” and “BZM”. She then moved to Basel, where, under the tutelage of baritone Marcel Boone, she earned two Master’s degrees. During that time, she also participated in masterclasses with the sopranos Margreet Honig and Christine Schäfer.

In the operatic field she has interpreted Adina in Donizetti’s “L’elisir d’amore” and Betly in (always Donizetti’s) homonymous work, Merlina in Cimarosa’s “L’impresario in angustie” and Titayna in Enric Morera’s homonymous work; worth mentioning are, as well, her appearances as a soloist in Mozart and Fauré’s Requiems, Haendel’s Messiah and Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Maria Pujades also collaborates with many choirs, such as RIAS Kammerchor and Zürcher Sing-Akademie.

Edoardo Milanello is a pianist from Turin. He began playing at an early age but did not receive a regular musical education until he was sixteen, when he dedicated more time and effort into instrumental practice and composition. After completing his Bachelor at the local conservatory, he chose Basel to further his studies: there he earned two Master’s degrees under the guidance of Filippo Gamba and Ronald Brautigam.

Edoardo Milanello is very active in the field of chamber music, especially in song accompaniment, as well as playing period instruments. He also has many collaborations in the world of new music, with composers such as David Lang and Enno Poppe, or performers such as Marcus Weiss, Mike Svoboda and Alexander Gabrys.